Radio Crew, Early-1950s

Irving R. Hall, Radioman 3rd Class, 1951-53, sent me these photos of the Calvert’s Radio Crew (Operations Division).

Irving is second from left, in this photograph:



Additional photographs of the Radiomen crew, from Irving’s personal photograph collection (all were taken by Irving):

USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-002 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-003 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-004 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-005 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-006 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-007 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-008 USSCalvert(APA-32)-RadioDept-early1950s-009

3 thoughts on “Radio Crew, Early-1950s

  1. Ted Garcia

    It was good to see your Radio Crew and all the sailors there. Although I was in the Army, I too was in the “Radio Crew” in VietNam. I was with the 313 RRB, 330th RRC and 330th RRC Detachment 8 in Nha Trang and Pleiku.

    What a wonderful crew.

  2. Pingback: Deck Photos – Early-1950s | USS Calvert (APA-32)

  3. Pingback: USS Calvert Photographs – Early-1950s | USS Calvert (APA-32)

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