Calversion Volume 72 (January 2016) Is Now Available

The newest Calversion is now available to view and download as a .pdf file at: Calversion-Vol-No-72-2016

Included in this Calversion is information for the 2016 reunion, which will be held via a cruise to the Bahama’s in early October.

The full set of Calversions is also available at


One thought on “Calversion Volume 72 (January 2016) Is Now Available

  1. Kevin Rahn

    My father served on the Calvert in both WWII and Korea as a radioman. I’ve looked at crew photos and crew lists but haven’t found him. My granddaughter has asked about his service and I would like to be able to find more info to give her some insight into her Great Grandfather. My dad passed several years ago and I had telephoned someone who’s number I got off a copy of The Calvert Newsletter. We are also interested in attending one of your reunions. Anything you could help me with as far as dad’s time aboard and his service I would be forever grateful. My dad’s name was Robert Rahn…..I know as I mentioned he was a radio operator….not sure of his rank….and I was told he used to write a column for the ships newsletters about model airplanes. Thank you.
    Kevin Rahn
    P.S. Thank you ALL for your service


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