1965-66 WestPac Cruise Photographs | Ensign Philip K. Selden

Mr. Philip Selden contacted me and also sent the following photographs taken during the 1965-1966 WestPac cruise. He was aboard the Calvert from June 1965 to May 1966, and left her at Hunter’s Point as she was being deactivated and being converted to a training vessel.

These are great photographs from the Calvert’s last days at sea:

13 thoughts on “1965-66 WestPac Cruise Photographs | Ensign Philip K. Selden

  1. Ken Knudson

    I would like to been able to see the rest of the pics.
    I got the 1st 5 or 6, but the rest were blank. I remember both Ens. Seldom, and Ens. Daley, and Chief McMillion.
    BM3 Ken Knudson, ’62 – ‘ 65.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Ken, there may be too many pictures for your computer to load. I will send you direct links to each photo via email over the next day or two.



  2. Jorge de la Rosa RM3

    I was on the Calvert Jan 65 until decommission in OR division. Best pictures of that time period I have seen.

    1. Raymond steedsman

      I too served on the Calvert during the time u were aboard as RM3. I got out in April 66. Trying to track down former shipmates to see if a reunion might be possible? Let me know, I’d appreciate hearing from you. Thanks

      1. Jorge de la Rosa

        To day 4-20-18, this is the first time for awhile that I have checked to see if any one has replied. would love to hear from you. You always helped me to take the test for RM3.

  3. Tom Morton

    I agree with Jorge (in the cruise book our an OR2)! I still have my cruise book from that deployment and enjoy going through it every so often. These pictures just add to that pleasure. I spent a lot of my time on the Calvert in the radio room as a messenger ( I was TOD waiting to enter Sonar School in Key West). I remember Jorge very well along with the rest of the Radio Gang.

  4. Warren Burch RM2

    Jorge……..Never in a million years did I think I would ever run across any of the gang on the CALVERT…
    I was on there with you in 65-66. on the WEATPAC…I went on to stay in the NAVY for 20 yrs, retired as a RMC in OCT 82. I now live in Middleton,, ID. ..Send me an em and we can talk..thanks sooo much..Warren Burch

    1. Raymond steedsman

      Been looking for my RM shipmates for some time, seems having some success. Just found this so thought I’d try it although I sent u a letter date April 3. This seems to confirm I had the right guy. I served on Calvert from Nov 1963 thru March 1966.

    2. Jorge de la Rosa

      Warren,I have tried several sites,did not think I would find you guys. I never forgot your 1958 Chevy Impala. Would like to hear from all of you. I live in Pa. now. Served on LST Holmes county 4 mounths: sent to Adak Alaska one year :then back to San Diego USS Jason repair ship until discharge.

  5. Warrren Burch

    Jorge, Ray, Tom…I surely remember all of you…That was a good cruise…Especially the cold SAN Miguel beer in the PI…I have tracked down RM2 Douglas, RM3 Leyva….Any of you can contact anytime at my em address…wlburchsr@q.com..Would love to visit with anyone on the ol’CT..Warren Burch, RMC, USN, RET

    1. John E Cooper

      Hey Burch, this is John Cooper, we drank a few at the block arena in Hawaii . i’ve seen you once after i got out, you and hoffman came to San Bernardino and was at a party i had, I wondered if you stayed in, guess i just found out, Steedsman told me about this site. good to hear your still around,

    2. Tom Morton

      Gese, I remember you very well! I remember Chernak taking me out to the EM club in San Fran with several others in the radio gang and getting me drunk on pitchers of beer (I was still under 21 then). I’m glad Leyva is still around. I remember standing some watches with him and Chernak. I often wonder where some of the other guys went to. After sonar school I spent the rest of my Navy career in the Atlantic on DEs and DDS. Then went to college and did some work with Aircraft Radio Corp. (Div. of Cessna) before going to work for Bell Labs in the Federal Systems Div. Now I’m retired and living in the suburbs of Huntsville AL on the Elk River.

      Great hearing from you and the rest of the gang.

  6. Warrren Burch

    Hey John…I do remember, boy, that’s been a long time ago…I got a letter from Ray Steedsman while back and will answer soon…. Somewhere along the way I lost my cruise book of our cruise of 65-66..Those pic by Ens. Selden sure bring back good memories..All keep in touch, Warren Burch


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