Provided by the family of James Chernak, RM3/2 – 1964 -1966.
Running 22 minutes, here are some highlights:
Part 1: 1965 Westpac Cruise – February 5th to April 28th Including:
- Yokosuka Japan
- Calvert at Sea
- USS Paul Revere, APA-248 and other ships at sea
- Pearl Harbor
- Rough Seas
- High Wire Personnel Transfer from USS Paul Revere
- Hawaii & Diamondhead from the sea
- At Sea: Top-side church service, Top-side chow, choppy seas
- Welcome home to San Diego!
Part 2: Westpac Cruise ’65 – ’66 – August 23rd, 1965 to February 26, 1966
- Hong Kong (?) from sea
- At sea:
- At the 16 minute, 5 seconds to 15 seconds: Jorge de la Rossa (left), Skip Steedsman (middle), Jack Hancock (right), as the camera pans to the left and then back right.
- Gunnery practice, flag & signal deck
- Danang harbor

Also from James’ daughter, Shelia, is this photograph. Possibly taken at the start or end of the ’65 or ’66 WestPac cruise:

thanks to the Chernak family for the video, i knew Jim as “fred flintstone” while i was aboard the Calvert. We joked with him due to his resemblance to the flinstone character, Fred. He was a RM3 when i left the ship and i see he made RM2.
Fred Flintstone – I love it! Thank you Mr Cooper, for sharing that nickname. He always spoke fondly of his time in the Navy, and the people he met and served with.
Sheila (Chernak) Heuer
Jim’s daughter
Did you know my brother, Robert Randle?
The name doesn’t ring any bells, but, that was a long time ago, was he a radioman?
This really brought back memories meaningful only to someone who was there. Otherwise pretty dull viewing. But my wife and I loved it. This would have been the Westpac cruise the year after the one I was on. Thanks for sending it. Doug McCurrach. First Div Officer. Captain,USN (ret.)
These tours were all way after my time on the USS Calvert. My tour of WesPac was 1956. So, No, I didn’t know any of these ol’ salts.
I photographed James Chernak and members of OR DIV inside radio shack while serving aboard USS Calvert 1965-66. I was amazed to see myself in movie footage filmed by James while at sea. How do I contribute my photo?
Mr. Hancock,
Thank you for comment! I will email you separately.
Chris Funck
Jack, saw your picture on Calvert Website. I noticed the same as you did on Chernak’s video. It was fun to look back. I’ve lost most of my pictures so was nice to see your’s of us in the Radio Shack.
I am glad to hear from you. I have misplaced a lot of pictures and formerly donated a few to the 65-66 cruise book. My family, back home, saved memorabilia I sent home. How do we get together to talk? Have you heard from any one else on the Calvert?
Jack, Skip,
I will email both of you in a private message so you can connect via emails.
That would be great, thanks.
These videos really bring back good memories,but made me realize how old I am. good to see the calvert in action. My wife liked them seeing my young face.
Nice to see the old or crew . Jack, steedsman,Rus,and Jim. Jorge de la Rosa RM3
Mr. de la Rosa:
Jorge! Fantastic! I have a picture of us standing on the main deck of the Calvert. Not a lot of scenery, just a lot of sea. But we do look young. Lots of good memories. How are you doing?
Jack Hancock