Marine Corps Captain James S. May, Combat Cargo Officer, 1964-66

From 1964 to 1966, James S. May, then Captain, Marine Corps, served as the USS Calvert’s Combat Cargo Officer, Military Liaison Officer and Legal Officer.   

These two photos directly below are taken from the Calvert’s 1965-66 Cruise Book. The third photo was shared several years ago by Phil Selden.

Provided by Phil Selden.

Colonel May led a career of service, honor, discipline, and justice:

  • Enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1953, following his graduation from High School in Louisville, Ky.
  • Attended Officers’ Candidate School, Camp Pendleton, graduating with honors in 1960.
  • Earned his undergraduate degree at Cornell University, as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, with the aid of the Marine Corps’ College Degree Program.
  • Supply Officer and Disbursing Officer at Camp Pendleton; Group supply officer with the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in Japan.
  • Educator at the United States Naval Academy in the early 1970s where he taught history and human relations courses.
  • A graduate of the Yale Law School in 1977, attending under the Navy Department’s Law School Program.
  • The only black officer on a military appeals court — the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Military Review — from 1981 until his retirement in 1989.
  • Assistant professor at the University of Baltimore law school until his untimely death in 1993 at the age of 58.

Here are a few items of note from the Calversions mentioning Captain May and his time aboard the Calvert:

“I would like to mention that I very well remember Captain May. He was a sharp, savvy Marine. I served under him while I was assigned to several landing parties, board & search patrols. He taught me many things when assigned to those details, especially during our time in Vietnam, while on board and search patrols in Qui Nhon Bay, Danang Harbor and other parts of Nam that I can hardly remember. Capt. May taught us many things especially what to look for and expect while on patrols. … Our patrols or watches seemed so routine but as I look back they were really sensitive and dangerous. Thanks to Capt. May, who knows his enlightening ways may have saved our butts.” – Bob Filindi, SM3, Calversion V29, p3, 1993

Following Col. May’s retirement, he wrote a letter to John Cole, which was published in volume 25 of the Calversion:

I am the former Marine Combat Cargo Officer on the Calvert … I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989 after 36 years, and I am presently on the faculty at the University of Baltimore School of Law. I recently visited the Navy’s Historical Branch at the Washington Navy Yard in connection with some research. I decided to stop in at the ship’s histories office and guess what was the first thing I saw on their inner office bulkhead? – The Calvert seal! I had a most enjoyable conversation with the staff in the ship’s histories section and related some anecdotes from my tour on the old lady. I mentioned that I had contacted the Calvert reunion group some years ago, and the office staff asked if any of the former Calvert members could submit any information, sea stories, etc. regarding their time on the Calvert. … So, perhaps you can turn this over to your guys and give the Historical Branch some good items.” JAMES S. MAY, Calversion, V25, p2, 1991

Here are additional photographs from later in his military career:

Ebony Magazine, January 1983
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam – Trial By Fire. Published, 1989

Additional articles and memorials:

4 thoughts on “Marine Corps Captain James S. May, Combat Cargo Officer, 1964-66

  1. Paul Foott

    I served on the USS Calvert APA 32 in 1965 & 1966 and I was a member of the Honor Guard Unit which was lead by Captain May.

  2. Ken Knudson

    I served with Capt. May while onbd Calvert. He was a good and well-liked marine. He kept me out of a few scrapes that I would get myself into. From our tours out of S.D., to our tours to & in Viet Nam, he was always a very professional marine both in his job, his dress, and in his character. He was a good SHIPMATE.

    BM3 Kenneth P. Knudson
    12/62 to 03/66.


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