
About This Site

  • This web site exists to honor the men of the Calvert, their families, the US service members who embarked and debarked the ship, and the ship itself. 
  • The content presented here reflects the history, experiences, and stories of the ship and her crew.
  • You may also find this site to be of interest if you are interested in US Navy attack transports and US Naval amphibious history between the start of World War II and mid-1966.

Who runs the site?

  • This site is maintained and run by Chris Funck (“me” “I”)
  • You can contact me directly at usscalvertwebmaster@gmail.com. I also respond to all comments submitted on the site, typically via email.

Why does this site exist?

  • My grandfather, Sterling Funck, served aboard the Calvert from 1942 through 1944 as a landing craft coxswain. You can read his story on the Adventures page. This web site grew out of that work, as well as inspiration from talking to several other former members of the Calvert’s crew and their family members.
  • The Calvert also has a very rich history (service during WWII, Korea, Vietnam) that I find to be interesting and worth exploring. I enjoy learning about the Calvert’s history, hearing her crew members’ stories and sharing that information with like-minded visitors.
  • I believe the ship deserves a dedicated site to share her history and her crews’ memories and stories.

Technology behind the site:

  • Although I work in the software industry, I’m not a developer.  The primary technical components behind this site are: WordPress, a slightly modified twentytwelve theme, and a few plugins.
  • The site is hosted by Bluehost.

Terms of Use

  • You are here at your own free will and you may leave at any time.
  • The Calvert and her crews served the United States of America during three wars: World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. And yes, only adult males (17+) served aboard Calvert. This means that you may find materials that not suitable to all ages and/or world views. That said, explicit content and inappropriate content (i.e., I know it when I see it.) will not be made public via this site. 
  • If anything on this site does offend you, then you are welcome to leave. If you wish to send a comment indicating why you are offended, by all means please do so, but please be nice. If I agree with you, I may remove the content you find to be objectional.
  • If you post a nasty or hateful comment then it won’t make it onto the site for public consumption. Like I’ve said before, be nice.
  • Spam is filtered automatically. It won’t make it onto the site for public consumption.
  • If you find something here that you’d like to re-use, please see below (Copyright and Ownership section).
  • This is not intended to be a commercial site. It’s a part-time hobby, and except for an occasional “Thank you!” no one is (or will be) compensated in monetary terms for their work or for their contributions. That said, if I find a worthy commercial tie-in (e.g., via ebay or another site), I may choose to link to that site or promote that site/service. However I receive no compensation for driving business to that site/service.


  • You are welcome to share your information, stories, and ideas via comments and email. I truly appreciate any correspondence you wish to send.
  • I will not share your email or personal information with any party unless you give me permission to do so. E.g., I may ask you if you want to be put in contact with another contributor or visitor to this site who has similar interests or experiences related to the Calvert or her crew.
  • I do not, and will not, sell or distribute your information to anyone for commercial purposes.
  • If you submit a comment via this site, but you do not want it, parts of it, or your personal information to be published, then just let me know that in the comment. I’ll reach out to you to verify your intent and preferences for what can and cannot be shared publicly.
  • If your browser is configured to allow cookies to be stored, then they will be stored on your machine per your browser’s settings. I personally do not use any of this information.
  • If you do find your, or a party you represent (family member, etc.), PII on this site and you would like it removed, please let me know and I will do so.

Copyright & Ownership:

  • For the most part, the materials on this site are provided by original owners/creators of the photographs, documents, etc., and they have provided permission for the materials to be posted here. Wherever and whenever possible the owner and source of the content is clearly documented.
  • All other content found here is believed to be in the public domain.
  • If you find your original work here and you would like it to be removed, please use the contact form to contact me and the requested materials will be removed. Simple as that.
  • Deep-linking to content on this site is encouraged, but don’t complain if something is moved or deleted and your the link goes dead.
  • If you find something here that you’d like to re-use or re-publish in full, contact me and I’m sure we’ll come to agreeable terms. e.g., “Thanks for letting me know. Have at it.” or “I’ll put you in touch with the original owner of the content.”
  • Given that navigating the copyright, re-use, and public domain landscape can be confusing at times, here’s a nicely formatted and written summary that I’ve found to be helpful when I evaluate what is made publicly available and posted on this site. Credit goes to Cornell University for their work in attempting to bring transparency and understanding in this area.

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Arnold Dischler

    Been viewing the information on the USS Calvert for the first time this A.M. –This first interest came about after reading the obituary of Glenwood H.J. Long, 93 who served from August 10, 1942 to November 21, 1945 during the invasion of Africa, Leyte, Marshall Islands, and the Solomons, including Kwajalein and Mindosa. Glenwood was in business and I was well acquainted with him, but we never discussed the military. Too bad as I was aboard the Calvert in the 50’s when it transported the 3rd Marine Division to Japan. Glenwood passed away 13 October 2013 and I thought you’d like to know. –I could not find his name anywhere on the site. He was a Machinist Mate First Class . AD

    1. Chris Funck Post author


      Thank you so much for your comment. It is very sad news to hear of the passing of Glenwood. Just a few weeks ago the USS Calvert reunion was held in Des Moines, IA. Five WWII-era crew members were able to attend, including Donald Tayor who was also a Machinist Mate from 1943 to 1944, the same time as Glenwood. There were many former crew members from the ’50s and the ’60s also in attendance.

      Kind regards,

      Chris Funck

  2. Arnold and Dianne Weber

    Thank you so much for reconnecting me with my Father, Warren T. Weber, who served as
    a BM on the same ship. He fought throughout the war in Europe, No. Africa and the Pacific.

    Did your grandfather ever mention his fellow crew member. I’d be interested in any
    information or stories that you might have. I intend to read the “Adventures of a Coxswain.”

    I am so proud to be his daughter. My husband Arnold fought in Vietnam. We attended the
    Pearl Harbor Survivors Memorial at Republic Airport, LI, NY yesterday. Thanks again, Dianne Weber

  3. Pingback: In Memory: Glenwood H.J. Long – Machinist Mate First Class, WWII | USS Calvert (APA-32)

  4. Del Staecker

    I’m really glad to have found this info. The APA’s are an overlooked naval asset.
    FYI-my father, uncle, and several of their cousins were aboard the USS Fuller (APA-7) which was known as The Gangster because its initial crew were from Chicago.
    In 2009 I wrote THE LADY GANGSTER: A SAILOR’S MEMOIR about the 327 Chicago Boys; the ship, and it receiving 9 battle stars. The book has gone into a second printing after receiving national awards.
    This year a second book SAILOR MAN was released covering the effects of PTSD on one of the fuller’s crew.
    If you ever have a need for a speaker at one of your gatherings…I am a US NAVY “Writer on Deck” and somewhat of an expert/authority on WWII APA’s.

    Best regards,
    Del Staecker

  5. Carl R. Hoffmann, III

    Hello Chris,

    I think my father, Carl R. Hoffmann, Jr. (Aug. 7 1927 – Jan. 15, 2021), may have served on the Calvert in Korea.
    Is there a full crew list somewhere so I can verify this?

    Best regards,

    Carl R. Hoffmann, III

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Carl, thank you for visiting the Calvert’s website. I’ll check the early 50’s records I have access to and let you know what I find.



    2. William Losee

      I served on the Calvert 1956 and 57 Radioman..Who is the Calvert named after? Was it James Calvert.Navy viceadmiral??Thanks William Losee

      1. Chris Funck Post author

        Hi William,

        I apologize for taking so long to approve this comment (it was caught in the spam folder).

        The Calvert is named after Calvert County, Maryland.



    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Ron, I apologize for my delay in responding to your comment. Thank you for visiting the Calvert’s website and sharing your time aboard.



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