Al Bradbury served aboard the Calvert as a Radarman in the Operations “O” Division from 1953 to 1956. He has shared the following photographs from his time aboard during the 1954 Far East Cruise.
Here are several videos and photos from the 2015 USS Calvert reunion, showing parts of the narrated a bus tour of the former Sparrows Point Shipyard, outside Baltimore, MD.
Here are a series of high quality photographs of the USS Calvert while she was in the San Francisco Naval Yard undergoing an overhaul. These photographs were taken on February 26th, 1958. These photographs are from the National Archives (source). You can open a larger version of each photograph by clicking on it, and it will open in a new window.
I found this photograph of the Calvert on EBay. It is labeled Hiro Wan*, Japan, October 1945, It’s a great picture of the Calvert. Although she looks rather weathered and I suspect that she was undergoing a major overhaul: All landing craft are missing and paint crews are visible along the side of the ship. A larger photograph can be viewed by clicking on the image.
* Not Hiro Way as I originally posted.