WWII Crew (Oct ’42 – Feb ’47)

WWII-Era Crew Members’ Pages & Memorials


  • Names in bold indicate links to additional more information for the crew member on this site
  • Un-bolded names indicate links to external links (e.g., newspaper article, obituary).
  • * indicates transfer to the Calvert from the Harry Lee in October of 1942.
  • # indicates plank holder (aboard the ship when the ship was commissioned early Oct of ’42)

Please let me know if you would like me to add a name or a page dedicated to a WWII-era Calvert crewman, I’d be happy to do it. You can email me at usscalvertwebmaster@gmail.com or request an addition by submitting a comment at the bottom of this page.

41 thoughts on “WWII Crew (Oct ’42 – Feb ’47)

  1. Aaron Cox


    I have recently acquired some of my great uncle’s possessions from WWII to include his wallet. As I was looking through it I found his Domain of Neptunis Rex card. Dated 2nd Day of October 1944 aboard the U.S.S. Calvert (APA-32), Latitude 00-00 Longitude 154… I wanting to see If I could get his name added to the WWII era members? Also to find out more about him, if possible?
    In his wallet he has pictures of his buddies he served with.

    Please contact me if you would like to inquire more.


    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Aaron,

      Thanks for visiting and your offer. I’ll be in touch via email and we’ll get a page set up for your great uncle.



  2. Edward Smith

    I have been looking over the crew lists for this ship during WWII and am not finding my dad listed. He was Seamen First Class Robert L. Smith and always told me he was an LST pilot. I have his day by day journal he kept with all the invasions he participated in. I remember him and my mom always traveling to conventions since the early 1990’s until his passing on December 31, 2005. Was wondering if he could be added to the ships crew list.
    Thank you all for your service.
    All gave some, some gave all.
    Lest we forget.
    This we’ll defend.

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Edward, I found your father’s name listed in the Calvert’s crew list on Fold3.com (sister site to Ancestry.com). I’ll send you additional information via email over the next few days. Thank you for your comment and kind regards, Chris.

      1. Carlos Calix

        Marcel Jacob from Reserve Louisiana is not listed. He served on the USS Calvert during WW2 can his name be added

      2. Bob Nelson

        Hello Chris,

        I’m not sure if you are still adding names to the Calvert’s crew list? If you are, i wanted to see if we can add my Dad. My Dad served as as Coxswain from October 8, 1942 to March, 1943 at which time he ended up in the hospital and was given an honorable discharge. He served from just over a year. I believe I see a picture of him in the 2nd div boat crew picture (November 12, 1942) in the very back kind of in the middle… there is a shadow that covers part of his face.

        My sister has seen his name on the muster roll – 1938 to 1949 – the date is October 8, 1942 – USS Calvert – Robert Clair Nelson

        Chris, please let me know if you would be able to add his name and also if there is any further reference of his being on board and who he may have been friends with and any other details about his duration on board. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, Bob Nelson

        1. Chris Funck Post author

          Hi Bob,
          Thank you for visiting the Calvert’s website and for your comment. I have added your father’s name to the list above.

          I will be in touch via email if I m able to find additional details on your father’s service.


          1. Bob

            Hi Chris,

            Thank you for adding my Dad’s name to the list.
            We appreciate and thanks for doing this for our service members and families.


  3. Edward Smith

    Not going to pay for information I already know. All I was wanting is him added to the ships rolls on this website.

  4. Ron Reese

    My father David Raymond Reese from Dinwiddie Virginia served aboard the Calvert from 1942 to 1945 as STK. Can he be listed on crew list? He passed on 1989. He had a very close friend with the last name “Meinshein” (sp?) Where can I find his information? Thank you in advance for your help.

    Ron Reese

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Ron, Thank you for your comment. I’ve added your father’s name to the WWII roster. I’ll be in touch via email regarding additional information. – Chris Funck.

  5. Greg Fussell

    Could you add my deceased father to the WWII crew? George Lamar Fussell served aboard the Calvert from 25 Aug 1944 to 30 Apr 1945 as a MM3. I found his service aboard the Calvert vis US Naval Muster Rolls 1938 – 1949.

    Greg Fussell, AQ3, RVAH-11.

  6. David e. Grainger

    Hello Chris, I was looking on this page where you have the crews names. My father was on the Calvert according to the US Naval Muster Rolls 1938-1949, His name was Guy Walter Grainger. If you have in information about him or a picture , I would sure appreciate it. I thought I saw him in the picture of the landing crews, But I am not sure . Thank you, David E Grainger

  7. Carolyn Gaspar

    My dad would have been 100 right now if he were alive. He served as Chief Petty Officer on the Calvert but worked his way up from the the USS Harry Lee first before it got damaged. I always asked questions as I child about the war but instead my 6 sisters and I got an “I remember” story of his life. Not only does it reflect his life in general of remembrances but a masterful collection of his life in the Navy. It was so impressive I would have bought the book if I hadn’t read his own words he left to us. I would love to know if anyone is still alive from his crew and if so if they remembered him. Thanks so much.

  8. Larry O'Connell

    My Grandfather, Frank Kubiak served aboard the “USS Calvert” and I have his separation papers from the Navy from 6/1943 through 1945 and included participation in the Philippines Liberation and SS Tachibana Maru. He ended his service as a Seaman First Class and is shown (standing to the right) of Sterling Funck but incorrectly listed as John Zdanowicz on page 11 of “The Adventures of a Landing Craft Coxwain”. My grandpa was quite tall, as I am too. I would really appreciate your inclusion, sadly he lived only to his mid 50’s and passed away in 1969.

  9. Jay Arnot, USN

    Chief Machinist Mate Boyd Leroy Arnot Jr., last plankowner of the U.S.S. Calvert died this morning in Coos County Oregon, some 3000 yards from where he was born. Upon discharge from the Navy, he was a logger in South-Western Oregon, staying active in that business up til his 90’s. Born 04 July, 1918 – Died 21 June 2018, just 2 weeks short of his 100th birthday.

    Does anyone know if there are any WWII crew alive, or was my dad the last?

    1. Chris Funck (site webmaster) Post author

      Hi Jay, please accept my condolences on Boyd’s passing. I do know of a very small number of living WWII-era veterans who served aboard the Calvert.

  10. Ken Coman

    Hello – my grandfather served aboard the USS Calvert and I would love to have him recognized on here. His name is Robin Lincoln Gold and was a Radioman. I’d love to know also what a Radioman did aboard the ship as it looks like from the roster that there were many of them on board. I have photos of him I would love to share and have posted.



  11. Ken Coman

    Hello – my grandfather served aboard the USS Calvert and I would love to have him listed here. His name was Robin Lincoln Gold and was a Radioman. I would also love to know what a Radioman did aboard the ship as it looks like there were several on board. I have photos of him I would love to share to have posted here.



  12. Maureen K Cosentino

    My brother, Robert E. Randle served on the USS Calvert, WWII. He had sent a letter to my parents saying he could not tell us where he was going but might not come home. Believe they were on the way to Japan when the Atom bomb struck.

  13. David Grainger

    Mr. Funck, according to my fathers records he was part of the Calvert crew between 1942-1945, According to his rcords, he was a Gunners Mate, yet I see no record of him in your Muster Rolls, I also know that when he first went in , he was aboard the USS Noa, which was sunk . Also He was on Another ship that was sunk, but I do not know the name of it. If you have any information on him or can tell me where I can find more information it would be greatly appreciated, Also, Thank you and all your fellow crew members for their great service.

  14. Rick Stewart

    I discovered this site about the Calvert. My dad served aboard from ’43- ’45.
    He is listed as Steward, Cletus M. It is actually Stewart. And he did live in Louisiana.
    He always spoke proudly of his time in the navy and aboard ship.

  15. Dennis Worthington

    C Hoyt Worthington,GM3c, served on the Calvert 1944-1946. He served on the gun crew of the 4” or 5” gun on the fantail. He was also the armorer in charge of the arms room. I have a photo album of his that I don’t think he shared with the association prior to his passing. Please contact me for copies of the photos.

  16. Torin Sweeney

    Hi Chris,

    Great work on this!!! My Grandfather how I never had the chance to meet was Edward J. Sweeney Capt. during the WWII campaign. When you interviewed your grandfather the was a section about Capt. Sweeney. Some of it is inaudible. I would love to speak with you about the interview. Please contact me via email torinswn@gmail.com

    Anyone that would have any direct recall of Capt. Sweeney I would love to hear form!!

    Thanks so much,

    Torin Sweeney

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Thank you Torin! Looking forward to connecting. I sent you several resources on the website in reference to your grandfather. He was well respected and liked by his crew. Regards, Chris

  17. Allan C. MacDonald III

    Good Day,

    My Dad served on the USS Calvert, 1942 through 1944. He came from the USS Harry Lee when she was towed back to Richmond after breaking down doing landing exercises in the Bahammas. My Dad was Allan C. MacDonald Jr. Shipfitter 3rd Class, made 2nd Class on USS Calvert. He left the Calvert and served on a Naval Support Facility fixing Higgin Boat, where he made Shipfitter 1st Class, discharged September 1945, as 1st Class.

    Hope you will add is name to the crew list, even though he did come from the USS Harry Lee…..CHEERS.

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Thank you Mr. MacDonald. I have added your father’s name to the crew list above. He definitely deserves a place in the crew list, as all of the Harry Lee’s crew crew who were transferred from the USS Harry Lee in late Oct 1942 when that ship broke down in the hours before the fleet left for North Africa. I will be in touch directly via an email as well.

  18. Jackie.Kiley@gmail.com

    Hi, Thanks for the great website about the USS Calvert. I have an additional crew member during WWII. His name is Louis Leonard Anthony EM1 from Lynn, Massachusetts. He was a transfer from the Harry Lee.

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi Jackie,

      I apologize that it took me so long to approve your comment (It was incorrectly placed in the spam folder).

      I will add Louis’ name to the WWII Crew List this weekend.


  19. Ronald Klaudt

    My dad, Raymond R. Klaudt, SF2c, was on the Calvert in 1946. I have copies of the Muster Roles on which he appears. Dad passed away on February 20th 2022 at the age of 96.

  20. William C. Fox Jr.

    MY dad served aboard the USS Calvert in WWII in the Pacific theater. His name was William C. Fox. He was a Store Keeper 1st Class. Can you add his name to the list, please?

    1. Chris Funck Post author

      Hi William,

      I apologize that it took me so long to approve your comment (It was incorrectly placed in the spam folder).

      I will add your father’s name to the WWII Crew list this weekend.


  21. John j. Roy

    I spoke to Chris in Nov -2020 in regards to Kenneth w. Roy he told me that in the early fifties my father had been on the uss calvert for a short period and then transferred to underwater demolition . I am filling out a sf-180 form and trying to get as much information as possible ( you know the government) so if you can give me some exact information & dates it would be greatly appreciated thank you very much John Roy

      1. John j.Roy

        Thanks Chris, I will read through all page 📑 to see if there is anything I can use . He didn’t say anything about history in the military, but some things are starting to make sense. He was a very good swimmer and could hold his breath for a long long time. He had a Japanese flag that was signed with names that he was upset about when it turned up missing. Well again thank you so very much Chris I couldn’t have gotten any information without you. John


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