Letter of Commendation, DaNang, Vietnam, 12/25/1965 – 01/16/1966

Appreciation to Warren L. Burch, RMC (retired Navy, 1982) for providing the following Letter of Commendation for the period December 25, 1965 to January 16, 1966.

Mr. Burch was aboard the Calvert from August 1963 (as an RMSA, direct from boot camp and EM School) through to August 1966 (RM2). He remained in the Navy and retired in 1982 as an RMC (Chief).

This letter is further evidence of the USS Calvert’s time in DaNang, Vietnam related to crew members’ records for Agent Orange claims.

Additional information on Agent Orange claims can be found on this page as well: https://www.usscalvert.com/2013/08/23/uss-calvert-added-the-brown-water-ship-list-agent-orange-disability-claims/

Laurent (Larry) E. Vigneault, Coxswain – May, 1943 – July, 1945

Larry enlisted in mid-November 1942 and reported aboard the Calvert at Todd Shipyard, Erie Basin, Brooklyn, NY, on May 1st 1943.

While aboard he was a member of the 2nd Division Boat Crew. He can be seen in Boat Crew’s photographs here: https://www.usscalvert.com/2013/12/09/2nd-deck-division-boat-crews-1944-11-12/

  • Promoted from SC2 to SC1 on Dec 2, 1943
  • Promoted from SC1 to Cox on June 4, 1944

He departed the Calvert on July 6th, 1945 while the ship was in dry dock at the Navy Yard in Puget Sound, Bremerton, Washington.

Larry passed away in June, 2010 in Worcester, MA.

The following photographs were taken in November 1945, a few months after Larry had departed the Calvert. Larry is second from right in the first photograph and third from right in the second photograph.

Thank you to Larry’s daughter, Sue, for sharing these photographs.

Jack E. Hancock, RM3 – 1965 – 1966

Appreciation to Mr. Jack Hancock for sharing these photographs of the Calvert’s Radio crew, OR Division.

Mr. Hancock can also be seen in this 1965-66 movie footage, at the 16 minute, 5 second to 15 second section. Jorge de la Rossa (left), Skip Steedsman (middle), Jack Hancock (right), as the camera pans to the left and then back right.

Mr. Hancock also helped to produce the ’65-66 Cruise Book and took many of the photographs included in the book.

1965 Westpac & 1966 WestPac Video Footage

Provided by the family of James Chernak, RM3/2 – 1964 -1966.

Running 22 minutes, here are some highlights:

Part 1: 1965 Westpac Cruise – February 5th to April 28th Including:

  • Yokosuka Japan
  • Calvert at Sea
  • USS Paul Revere, APA-248 and other ships at sea
  • Pearl Harbor
  • Rough Seas
  • High Wire Personnel Transfer from USS Paul Revere
  • Hawaii & Diamondhead from the sea
  • At Sea: Top-side church service, Top-side chow, choppy seas
  • Welcome home to San Diego!

Part 2: Westpac Cruise ’65 – ’66 – August 23rd, 1965 to February 26, 1966

  • Hong Kong (?) from sea
  • At sea:
    • At the 16 minute, 5 seconds to 15 seconds: Jorge de la Rossa (left), Skip Steedsman (middle), Jack Hancock (right), as the camera pans to the left and then back right.
    • Gunnery practice, flag & signal deck
  • Danang harbor


James is pictured here in the 1964 WestPac cruise book, second bottom row, left most picture.

Also from James’ daughter, Shelia, is this photograph. Possibly taken at the start or end of the ’65 or ’66 WestPac cruise: